Tuesday, March 21, 2017

5 Flowers That Will Entice Hummingbirds to Your Garden

5 Flowers That Will Entice Hummingbirds to Your Garden
5 Flowers That Will Entice Hummingbirds to Your Garden
Tips &Tricks image Brilliantly colored hummingbirds herald the arrival of spring, but they can be picky when it comes to food. They love bright flowers. However, the shape of the blossoms are also important. Here are five plants guaranteed to attract hungry hummingbirds to your garden.

1. Cardinal flower - The bright red of the cardinal flower attracts hummingbirds from miles around. The tubular shape of their petals makes them a perfect fit for the hummingbirds' long beaks. Although cardinal flowers grow wild in many places, they can also be easily grown in your back yard. They do well in shady areas, and if you want to stay basic they are a great choice as they are native to North and South America.

2. Coral honeysuckle - Coral honeysuckle seems specially designed for hummingbirds. Attracted by its loud pinks and reds, hummingbirds are sure to flock to the flowering vine for a tasty treat. Coral honeysuckle blooms mostly in the late spring and early summer and can be quickly trained to climb a trellis or arbor.

3. Red sage - Although more known for its medicinal properties, red sage is one of the favorite nectar flowers of hummingbirds. The tubular purple flowers attract many different species of hummingbirds, including the tiny ruby-throated hummingbird. Red sage should be planted in sunny areas.

4. Scarlet runner bean - A member of the pea family, the scarlet runner bean produces brilliant scarlet blooms throughout the summer and early fall, luring passing hummingbirds with its sweet fragrance. Scarlet runner bean is a climbing perennial, and its beans are popular in Europe and South America. In the U.S, it is mainly considered ornamental.

5. Cape honeysuckle - The long reddish orange blossoms of cape honeysuckle are the ideal shape for questing hummingbirds. A native of southern Africa, cape honeysuckle is highly tolerant of saline soil, leading to its popularity in coastal gardens in the U.S. The plant is an excellent source of nectar in the autumn and winter, when most blooms that hummingbirds prefer are not in flower.

From beautiful spring blossoms to flowering fall foliage, these five plants will provide the perfect food source for the tiniest of your feathered friends.
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Adriana Hesford
Excellence Empire Real Estate
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(951) 283-5985
Email: realtoradrianahesford@gmail.com
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