Saturday, July 30, 2016

5 Reasons to Submit a Personal Property Inventory for Your Homeowners Insurance Policy

5 Reasons to Submit a Personal Property Inventory for Your Homeowners Insurance Policy
5 Reasons to Submit a Personal Property Inventory for Your Homeowners Insurance Policy
Tips & Tricks image Many times an insurance claim can be relatively small and quick, but there are also some occasions that require more work and have more at stake. These times might include fire, theft or other covered disasters. In an already difficult situation, having an inventory of your personal property will be very beneficial.

1) A complete inventory will help you to collect the full amount you are owed in case of burglary, fire or other covered disaster. When submitting your inventory, it is important to include photos or video, serial numbers and even receipts for large-ticket items. Keep in mind that different items may either appreciate or depreciate with time. But, having your information, already consolidated and accessible, will help you complete a claim as accurately as possible.

2) An inventory will allow you to quickly and easily determine what is missing from your home. During the chaotic time following a theft, for example, it is quite difficult to survey the scene and readily notice what items might be missing. However, with an inventory, you can go through your house checking off items as you go. It is very helpful to be able to remove the emotional element and follow a set list so you do not overlook anything.

3) Compiling your inventory in advance will facilitate the filing of claims. When working with your insurance company, it is best to file your claim as soon as possible after the event. If you already have a list, you will not lose valuable time as you try to remember all of your personal belongings that should be included.

4) A detailed inventory will assist with identifying recovered property after a burglary. It is wise to include serial numbers on your inventory list, as this is the best way to confirm that recovered property is actually yours.

5) Finally, going through the process of building your personal property list will help to ensure that you have adequate coverage of your belongings. By itemizing everything, you will know if your current policy covers replacement costs should you need that benefit. This information may help you determine if you would like to increase or lower your coverage amount.

Once you have gone through the process of itemizing your things, it will be much easier to maintain it. Be sure to add or remove valuable items as your inventory changes. Maybe set a reminder on your calendar to update this 2-3 times a year. Also, be sure to protect your inventory. It is a good idea to store extra copies of it in two additional places, maybe with a family member and in a safe.

Putting together this inventory can be a bit of a project, but if it is needed, you will be glad you invested the time and effort.
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Adriana Hesford
Excellence Empire Real Estate
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(951) 283-5985
- Cal BRE#01180938
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Daily Motivation

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

5 Flowers That Will Entice Hummingbirds to Your Garden

5 Flowers That Will Entice Hummingbirds to Your Garden
5 Flowers That Will Entice Hummingbirds to Your Garden
Tips &Tricks image Brilliantly colored hummingbirds herald the arrival of spring, but they can be picky when it comes to food. They love bright flowers. However, the shape of the blossoms are also important. Here are five plants guaranteed to attract hungry hummingbirds to your garden.

1. Cardinal flower - The bright red of the cardinal flower attracts hummingbirds from miles around. The tubular shape of their petals makes them a perfect fit for the hummingbirds' long beaks. Although cardinal flowers grow wild in many places, they can also be easily grown in your back yard. They do well in shady areas, and if you want to stay basic they are a great choice as they are native to North and South America.

2. Coral honeysuckle - Coral honeysuckle seems specially designed for hummingbirds. Attracted by its loud pinks and reds, hummingbirds are sure to flock to the flowering vine for a tasty treat. Coral honeysuckle blooms mostly in the late spring and early summer and can be quickly trained to climb a trellis or arbor.

3. Red sage - Although more known for its medicinal properties, red sage is one of the favorite nectar flowers of hummingbirds. The tubular purple flowers attract many different species of hummingbirds, including the tiny ruby-throated hummingbird. Red sage should be planted in sunny areas.

4. Scarlet runner bean - A member of the pea family, the scarlet runner bean produces brilliant scarlet blooms throughout the summer and early fall, luring passing hummingbirds with its sweet fragrance. Scarlet runner bean is a climbing perennial, and its beans are popular in Europe and South America. In the U.S, it is mainly considered ornamental.

5. Cape honeysuckle - The long reddish orange blossoms of cape honeysuckle are the ideal shape for questing hummingbirds. A native of southern Africa, cape honeysuckle is highly tolerant of saline soil, leading to its popularity in coastal gardens in the U.S. The plant is an excellent source of nectar in the autumn and winter, when most blooms that hummingbirds prefer are not in flower.

From beautiful spring blossoms to flowering fall foliage, these five plants will provide the perfect food source for the tiniest of your feathered friends.
Agent Photo
Adriana Hesford
Excellence Empire Real Estate
Company Logo
(951) 283-5985
- Cal BRE#01180938
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Daily Motivation

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

5 Flowers for Shady Gardens

5 Flowers for Shady Gardens
5 Flowers for Shady Gardens
Tips &Tricks image If your garden is located in the shadow of nearby buildings, trees, an overhead canopy, or your house, you might think there's no way you could get flowers to grow. After all, many flowers prefer the sun. There are, however, a number of hardy plants with beautiful flowers that can brighten up your garden, even if it's shady!

1. Bleeding heart - Well-known for its distinctive row of arched, drooping flowers that resemble bleeding hearts lined up along the branch, this flower is a perennial and doesn't mind being in a shady spot. It grows native in woods, and various species will bloom either in the spring and early summer or all season. It looks wonderful in a bed, border, or corner, and some may need support or something to climb on.

2. Calla lilies - For an elegant perennial that will pop against a shady background, try planting calla lilies. They are often found in white, pink, or yellow, and will bloom from spring to autumn. It doesn't need much attention or care, though will need to be watered along with your other plants and won't tolerate dryness.

3. Primrose - The colorful and whimsical-looking primrose loves the shade, and can be found in many bright tones to match any garden: red, pink, purple, yellow, and white! They are among the first plants to bloom in the spring, and do well when planted under a taller, all-season plant or a bright jewel-tone plant. You can also try filling a corner with one or tucking them under shrubs.

4. Lily-of-the-valley - Known for their fragrance and elegance, lily-of-the-valley flowers provide tiny dots of color to draw the eye anywhere you wish in your garden design. They don't need much maintenance and thrive in the shade, enough so that they can spread if you don't carefully monitor them. Some people like this effect and deliberately introduce it to a natural-style garden.

5. Foxglove - If you have enough low-growing plants and want something tall for a change, foxglove draws the eye up and provides clusters of fascinating cup-shaped flowers. They come in many bright colors and need as much shade as possible, especially in the heat of the summer. You'll need to be careful to keep the soil moist. Don't deadhead the plants if you want them to regrow from dropped seeds next year.

These are just a few of the possibilities for bright contrasts to the green foliage-based gardens most people think shady spots require. While different shades of green can look certainly elegant, there's nothing like a white or bright flower to make you smile as you enjoy your shady spot.
Agent Photo
Adriana Hesford
Excellence Empire Real Estate
Company Logo
(951) 283-5985
- Cal BRE#01180938
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