Tips & Tricks
If you are one of the millions of Americans setting New Year's resolutions this year, you may already be worried that you won't follow through with them. According to research studies conducted by the University of Scranton, a whopping 45 percent of Americans make New Year's resolutions, but only eight percent actually achieve them. Improve your odds of reaching your goals with these practical strategies.
Start Small
If you have a big resolution that you want to reach, such as losing 50 pounds, you should break it down into smaller, more achievable goals. This technique can help you prevent quitting your resolution altogether because it feels overwhelming.
Create a Solid Plan of Action
One of the biggest reasons why people don't reach their goals is that they lack a concrete plan. You should create a solid plan of action that clearly identifies all of the steps you will need to complete in order to reach your goal.
Make Adjustments as Needed
Uncontrollable events can cause you to fall off the bandwagon. When life happens, don't give up on reaching your New Year's resolutions. Make adjustments to accommodate your new situation instead of simply giving up. For example, if you suffer an injury halfway through the year, you may feel like losing weight is impossible. Instead, you could find exercises that work around your injury and alter your diet to meet your needs.
Set Dates
After you have identified your resolutions for the year, hold yourself accountable by setting dates that you want to achieve them by. Mark these dates on a calendar that you will see every day.
Track Your Progress
A critical step to maintaining your initial motivation is seeing your progress in action. This trick can help prevent you from feeling discouraged. Take the time to track your accomplishments for each resolution you have set. Review your progress anytime you need a boost of motivation.
Stop Making Excuses
Excuses don't hurt anyone but you. They can be the breaking point for many people when it comes to New Year's resolutions. Instead of throwing in the towel, write down each excuse you manage to come up with as well as reasons why it won't stop you from reaching your goals. When you start thinking of reasons why you can't do something, remember why you're doing it in the first place.
If you're ready to join the group of Americans that complete their New Year's resolutions this year and each year after, follow these steps. You'll be surprised how easy accomplishing your goals can actually be.