Monday, May 30, 2016

Redecorate Your Home On A Budget

Redecorate Your Home On A Budget
Redecorate Your Home On A Budget
Tips & Tricks image Redecorating your home doesn’t need to cost an arm and a leg. There are small changes that you can make to make your home look fresh and new. This article outlines 6 things that you can do to redecorate your home even if your budget is small.

1. Declutter
Over time we all collect things that just sit around our house for years and years. Our tastes in décor change now and again, but sometimes it’s hard to get rid of things for that reason alone. If you want to redecorate and you’re on a budget, decluttering is the perfect place to start. Donate or sell items that are no longer your style. Once these items are gone you can begin decorating with your own tastes.

2. Paint
Painting is a cheap way to change the look of any room. It’s not only the walls you should think about painting though. You can also paint old furniture instead of getting rid of things and buying new ones. You might have to sand furniture before you paint it, but that is still much cheaper than buying brand new pieces. Many people have hand-me-down furniture that isn’t easy to let go of. If you paint it, you don’t have to.

3. Make your own art
Art on the walls can really brighten up any living space. Buying art can be very expensive. If you cannot afford to buy new art that appeals to you, the next best thing would be to create your own art. You can purchase canvas cheaply at a dollar store. Many carry larger sized ones that are perfect for making your own art. There are many DIY ideas for art online that you can get ideas from. And because you’re making the art yourself you know it’s one of a kind!

4. Recover couches Recovering couches and chairs is a great way to change your furniture without having to purchase new pieces. You can pick the colour to match your current tastes and match your redecorated home. You don’t have to get rid of the couches that you spent years breaking in and making comfy.

5. Put your sewing skills to use
Instead of purchasing new decorative pillows, pillow cases, or comforters, you can put your sewing skills to use and make them yourself. Pillow cases are very easy to sew. You can also make covers for your decorative pillows and even for your comforter. You can find DIY lessons on sewing online. It’s much easier and cheaper to make covers than to replace the items.

6. Rearrange furniture
This sounds very simple and it is, but the difference it can make to the look of your home is amazing. You get so used to things being a certain way that you don’t imagine they could work any other way. Try moving your furniture around to give any room a new look. You’ll be pleasantly surprised.

Remember that redecorating doesn’t have to mean buying new things. Redecorating means giving a room or a home a new look. It doesn’t take a lot of money to change the look and feel of your home.
Agent Photo
Adriana Hesford
Excellence Empire Real Estate
Company Logo
(951) 283-5985
- Cal BRE#01180938
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Daily Inspiration

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Real Estate Buyer Pet Peeves

Real Estate Buyer Pet Peeves
Real Estate Buyer Pet Peeves
Tips & Tricks image When you decide to sell your home you may want to consider some helpful tips to avoid losing out on a potential sale. Believe it or not, time and time again, buyers pass up a great home because of simple irritations. Here is a list of real estate buyer pet peeves to avoid.

Unreadable Information - When a real estate seller puts a for sale sign up in the front yard, it is quite annoying when the phone number is too small for car passengers to read. To correct this problem, put the sign closer to the road than the house.

Empty Pamphlet Tray - Some for sale signs have slots made to hold pamphlets. Usually the sign says, "Please take one". Generally the pamphlets have specifics about the property: square footage, amenities, lot size, and price. One of the biggest pet peeves of potential buyers is when they stop to pick up a pamphlet and the slot is empty. If your for sale sign says, "Please take one", make sure there is actually something to take.

Finicky Lock - When buyers set up an appointment to walk through a property, first impressions mean everything. If the lock and key don't work properly, it gives potential buyers the feeling that other things may be finicky about the house.

No Picture Available - When pictures are unavailable for a piece of property on the Internet MLS, it gives the impression that there is something to hide. "Why wouldn't they have a picture? The siding must be bad. The yard must be torn apart." Giving potential buyers a picture of the property gives them realistic expectations.

Unavailable Price - The first thing that goes through any buyer's mind when the price is not disclosed is, "Overpriced". The only reason to not openly list real estate price is if it is priced way too high. Some buyers will even pass by an otherwise lovely piece of property because the price isn't listed. They automatically think it is out of their price range. Let buyers know the price up front. That way there are no surprises.

Cluttered Picture - A photograph is the one time when the seller can control every aspect seen by a potential buyer. Photos taken with cluttered desks or laundry piles are unappealing to the eye. De-cluttering the desired area is absolutely imperative when taking a real estate picture.

Making a positive first impression that turns into a lasting impression is the goal of all real estate brokers. Don't ruin that first impression by creating little annoyances along the way. It could cost potential viewings, sales, and even thousands of dollars. Being remembered as the cute little ranch on the edge of town always trumps the large two story with no pamphlets and the finicky lock.
Agent Photo
Adriana Hesford
Excellence Empire Real Estate
Company Logo
(951) 283-5985
- Cal BRE#01180938
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Saturday, May 28, 2016

How to Stage Your Home for an Open House

How to Stage Your Home for an Open House
How to Stage Your Home for an Open House
Tips & Tricks image Any real estate agent will tell you that one of the best ways to sell your home fast is to have an exciting open house. Prospective buyers will be more likely to make an offer on your home at an open house event if you properly stage your property. This will take some hard work on your part, but you will see positive results. When you begin to stage your home for the real estate market, there are some steps that you should take to make your event successful.

Clean the House

A clean home is a home that sells on the real estate market. Cleaning carpets, waxing floors, dusting, and scrubbing are all essential to making your home appealing to house hunters. No detail is too small when it comes to cleaning your house. That is why it important not to forget about things like cleaning out the fridge and organizing cabinets. If you don't have one already, make a space in your home that has cleaning products neatly organized. This will demonstrate that you have taken steps to keep your home clean and well maintained during the length of your ownership of the property.

Make Necessary Repairs

Buyers taking a serious interest in your home will want to thoroughly inspect your house both inside and out. One of the most important steps for staging your home for an open house is to make any and all needed repairs to the home. Leaking faucets, holes in the walls, and broken light fixtures are just a few repairs to consider. Walk through your home as though you are the prospective buyer, and take note of any damages that would make you think twice about making a new home purchase. You may also want to have your real estate agent walk through the home with you to help catch anything that you might have missed.

Clean Out Storage Areas

It is tempting to fill the garage, attic, and closets with items that you don't want laying around during the open house. This is a big mistake, as visitors to your home will want to inspect these areas to determine how much storage space your home can offer. Organizing these spaces will allow you to emphasize the available space in your home, making it more attractive to buyers.

Simplify Your Home Décor

New home-buyers want to envision themselves living in your home, which can be difficult if your home is filled with personal mementos or unusual interior design choices. Photos on the refrigerator, vacation souvenirs on shelves, and any other highly personal knickknacks should be packed neatly away in your storage areas. If your walls are not painted in neutral tones, you should consider painting before your open house. A little girl's hot pink bedroom might not be appealing to a buyer that has three sons. The key to simplifying your home décor is to create a space that allows anyone to picture living in your home.

Allow for Light and Fresh Air

Well-lit rooms often appear larger than they actually are, so be sure to open curtains and blinds wherever possible. You should also replace any light bulbs that are burnt out and add light fixtures to any dark spaces in your home. A few hours before your open house, you should open a few windows to allow fresh air to circulate throughout the home. Although you do want your home to smell pleasant, you should avoid overpowering air fresheners. Heavy scents may give the impression that you are trying to hide something.

Don't Neglect the Outside of the Home

Your front yard is the first thing that people are going to see as they approach your home, so it is your first chance to make an impression on potential buyers. Clean up any clutter in the front yard such as bicycles or lawnmowers. Make sure that your grass is trimmed and that the outside of your home is clean. If you can afford it, consider hiring a landscaper to give the exterior of your home a more finished look.

The open house is your first date with potential buyers, so make sure to make your home stand out as a neat, clean, and welcoming place to live. Following these steps will help guarantee that your house sells quickly for a fair price.
Agent Photo
Adriana Hesford
Excellence Empire Real Estate
Company Logo
(951) 283-5985
- Cal BRE#01180938
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